The Maxwell's Demon Preservation Society

MDPS must apologize for its previous announcement of the 2008 release of Maxwell's Demon's second album, Diablo. We have since learned that the band was not entirely content with the sound quality of the first master, so the release was postponed. They remixed and remastered it, completed the liner notes, then officially released it on 12/15/2009. Please see our news section for the related blog we uncovered.

Our MDPS archaeo-musicologists agree that this new discovery adds vital pieces to the puzzle of Maxwell's Demon: the complexity of their rhythmic principles, their ground-breaking nontonal harmonies, and as always, the mystery of their absence from mainstream media waves. Did they hide their work from the public intentionally? Did they refuse to compromise their vision for the sake of recording contracts and glory? Could they, possibly, have hidden clues to their work on purpose, knowing that subsequent generations would be compelled to follow their trail and piece together the truth? Stay tuned as we continue our detective work around this brilliant band of the 21st century, and as always, surf safe!

Compositions were primarily influenced by 20th/21st Century "art" music for the complex rhythmic ideas found there, and nontonal harmony. Rock influences include such artists as Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Univers Zero, and Bubblemath, along with the usual collection of classic progressive rock.

To summarize the output that has been discovered thus far...



First album, written by John and released in May, 2001.



Second album, written by Craig and released at the end of 2009.


Avarice Atoned (Canto 19)

Their contribution to the Colossus Project Dante's Purgatorio, written by Craig and released in 2009.



Third album, written by John, released approximately 2013.